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Image by Guillaume Galtier



  • What happens in a typical reiki session?
    You are invited to share as much as you wish about what is bringing you to the reiki session. You find a comfortable position, fully clothed (in office, you will be on a massage table). Reiki healing energy is channeled to you for your highest good. Healing music, aromatherapy, and crystals may also be used to support the session. You will have time to ask any questions you wish at the end of the session and share any insights received that support your continued wellbeing.
  • What happens in a typical shamanic reiki session?
    You are invited to share as much as you wish about what is bringing you to this shamanic reiki session. Sessions may be connected indoors in a comfortable spot (in office, on a massage table), or outdoors in a secluded garden area, weather permitting. You will be led through a guided meditation that includes a shamanic journey chosen in consultation with you based on your needs. Healing reiki energy is channeled to you throughout. Shamanic journeys may include identifying spirit guides, cord cutting, ancestral healing, removing energetic intrusions, and past life influence. Other activities may include personalized altar creation and nature-based healing immersion. You will have time to ask any questions you wish at the end of the session and share any insights received that support your continued wellbeing.
  • What should I wear for reiki and shamanic reiki sessions?
    Comfortable clothing! Typically natural fiber clothing is recommended but the most important thing is to be comfortable and regulated in temperature. For in-office sessions I always have a collection of clean blankets on hand for additional warmth.
  • What happens in a typical dance journey session?
    You are invited to share as much as you wish about what is bringing you to our dance journey session. We begin with a guided warm-up suitable for all experience levels that will release tension and open up the energy centers of the body. You are then guided to explore healing movement and dance sequences chosen specifically for you, based on your needs. You are empowered and witnessed in a loving container. We end with a brief meditation and share any insights received that support your continued wellbeing.
  • What should I wear for a dance journey session?
    Comfortable clothing that you can move easily in. For footwear, I recommend starting out with a pair of socks that allow you to move without a lot of friction on an indoor surface (carpet or wood). There are specific dance shoes I can recommend for those who would prefer a shoe, but generally speaking, socks work just fine.
  • If I am doing a zoom dance journey session, what space requirements are needed?
    You need enough room where you could turn 360 degrees around yourself without touching anything. Be sure to clear any tripping hazards off the floor. The more space you have around yourself the better, but we can work within whatever space you have available.
  • Is reiki equally effective on zoom as it is in person?
    Reiki energy works beyond our concepts of time, space, and place. Reiki sessions over zoom are just as powerful as those conducted in-person. As a certified Master Practitioner and Master Teacher I have been fully trained in distance healing modalities and find them highly effective.
  • What should I do to prepare for a session?
    There is nothing specific you need to do to prepare. For ideas on how to enhance your experience, please consult my “Before and After Sessions” document, which is attached below.
  • What should I do after a session?
    Some clients can feel a little spacy after reiki and I recommend taking a short walk before driving anywhere. Immersing yourself in nature, drinking fresh water, and journaling are also helpful supportive practices. For more ideas on how to enhance your experience, please consult my “Before and After Sessions” document, which is attached below.
Image by Paul Berthelon Bravo


00:00 / 07:38
00:00 / 09:30
Before/After Session Guidance
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