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Image by Guillaume Galtier


I see no separation between dance, reiki, and shamanic experience. They are all simply the directed movement of powerful, life-giving, and healing energies for the benefit of one’s self and others. That said, I appreciate the unique properties of each healing modality and find that they complement one another beautifully. If you are unsure where to start, or have questions about how we might work together, please contact me at to set up a phone consult. My FAQ page also contains helpful information for new and returning clients. 

Image by Paul Berthelon Bravo

We begin with a brief introductory conversation where you share as much as you wish about where you find yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically. You are invited to find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and receive reiki energy channeled to you for your highest good and healing. Sessions are conducted fully clothed, and reiki may be performed with non-invasive hands-on contact or remotely. Afterwards, we share any insights received from the session and explore any intuitive guidance that may have emerged from our work together. 

75 minute session at $150.

You are guided through a Dance into Wholeness somatic movement sequence (suitable for all ages and skill levels) which is designed specifically for your personal healing. Movements and supportive music are chosen for you based on the particular physical, emotional, and/or spiritual manifestation that is calling out for attention and healing. You are empowered to journey more deeply into your embodied experience and discover the deep power and wisdom that resides there.

75 minute session at $150.

You are guided through a shamanic journey designed specifically for you, based on your needs. Some themes a journey might include are identifying spirit guide(s), removing energetic intrusions, understanding past life influence, and receiving guidance from the elements and nature. Throughout this process, reiki energy is directed to you for your highest good and to support your process.

75 minute session at $150.

When appropriate, I will take a healing shamanic journey on your behalf. The journey experience is shared with you in a written narrative form and in a subsequent scheduled conversation. Some of the shamanic work that may be conducted in the journey space includes identifying your spirit guide(s), cord removal, intuitive guidance, and understanding past life influences. To book, please contact me at to set up an initial consult.

$150, includes written narrative and 30 minute phone call 

My philosophy (or “guiding principles”): Each one of us is on a path of discovery in this lifetime. I honor and respect where each person finds themselves on any given day. I am not the one “doing the healing.” I simply create the space for reiki, or universal life force energy, to flow freely for your highest good. I am honored to create the sacred container that facilitates your own innate internal wisdom to come forth and be fully recognized. 

Cancellation Policy: Please note the following policies: If you arrive late, your session will end at the originally scheduled time. Rescheduling is possible with a 24 hour advance notice via phone call, text, or email. Rescheduling less than 24 hours before the appointment is not possible. Distance reiki will be sent to you at the time of your scheduled session. No shows will not receive a refund or credit. Credits expire after one year from the date of issue. Refunds will be offered on a case by case basis.  

Disclaimer: Reiki is not intended to replace any doctor approved treatment plan. Your practitioner is not a licensed physician and does not diagnose or treat physical or psychological disorders. Reiki is a complementary therapy, and as such, does not require licensing by the state of California. Reiki is not associated with any religion. 

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2024 by Dance into Wholeness. Designed by MAD Development.

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